M&A Consulting and Analysis
Before investing precious time, money and human resources into a merger or acquisition of a business, it's important to make certain you are on the right track. A feasibility analysis is a review of the anticipated sale, merger or acquisition. It will provide a preliminary assessment of the deal and assist you in gauging whether or not the idea is viable from a financial and organizational perspective. It will help you to decide whether or not to move forward.
Buyer Advisory Services
Agencies today need to grow and often the required growth is beyond reasonable internal growth. When an agency needs to increase volume to meet volume commitments, especially to the companies, it makes sense to purchase an existing book of business to augment their sales efforts.
An agency searching out their own acquisition candidates runs the risk of having a potential candidate being intimidated and not speaking freely. Searching without a professional consultant will usually take much more of your time since you will have limited resources and may not get to the tough issues for a long time. A professional consultant will streamline the process and will discover the best opportunity for you.
Seller Advisory Services and Representation
Agency owners often struggle to determine what’s best for their business. Many owners need to determine if they should perpetuate leadership, relationships and ownership, buy an agency, implement organic growth strategies – or sell their business. The decision to sell can be difficult and requires an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative factors involved. By engaging an experienced advisor an agency can often navigate the process much easier.
From preparation to deal execution, Agency Perpetuation consultants can provide the needed services and advice to owners that are considering selling the business. Through a timely, controlled and well-designed marketing strategy, we focus attention on helping to maximize client value and strategic objectives. Having an experienced consultant to advise you will allow you to be fully informed of the best practices, get the best deal structured, avoid pitfalls and will save you time and money.
M&A Transaction Consulting
Today there is almost a frenzy of action among agencies, buying, selling, merging and clustering. When two or more agencies are involved with some type of transaction, it makes sense to have a professional involved to assist you along the way. Having an experienced Consultant to advise you will allow you to be fully informed of the best practices, get the best deal structured, avoid pitfalls and will save you time and money.
Often when agencies are doing their own structuring of a transaction, they will overlook key issues, ignore important warning signs, waste time on trivial matters and proceed without full disclosure. These actions can spell a disaster or needless complications if not corrected. Unfortunately, professional assistance is frequently brought in only after the damage is done.
Agency Perpetuation consultants can guide your efforts to structure a transaction that is fair to all parties in a timely manner. Our years of experience will ensure you avoid common mistakes and that you can utilize the most current and effective techniques. As a third party, we can ask the tough questions, mediate conflicts and keep everyone on track.